Adds Internal linking suggestions and Insights for Indonesian.
Adds word form support for Portuguese.
Adds word form support for Indonesian.
Shows the Yoast didn’t recognize my keyphrase button when the site language is set to Portuguese or Indonesian.
Shows the language beacon when the site language is set to Indonesian.
Improves word form recognition of Russian nouns with stems that have endings similar to noun case suffixes. Example: сиптом, гром, запах.
Improves word form recognition of Russian nouns that have irregular plurals.
Adds recognition of common irregular diminutives in Italian, such as nouns (e.g., ovetto - uovo), adjectives (e.g., dolciastro - dolce), and verbs (e.g., scribacchiare - scrivere). It also stops filtering out scrivere, scrive, and scritto as function words during the keyphrase analysis.
Adds recognition of common irregular plural nouns (e.g., uomo - uomini) and adjectives (e.g., ampio - ampli) in Italian.